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Home and Living Supports

Pathfinders are here to help you find the right home and living environment to suit your needs.  The types of home and living services we provide include:

  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  • Short Term Accommodation (STA)
  • Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)
  • Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported independent living is a type of support designed to help you live in your home. It includes assistance or supervision with daily tasks, such as personal care or cooking meals, aiming to help you live as independently as possible while building your skills. This support is intended for individuals with higher support needs, requiring some level of assistance at home all the time

Pathfinders is committed to enabling you to achieve a high level of independence in the comfort of your own homes through our Supported Independent Living (SIL) program. We can provide you with tailored SIL services, designed to address your individual needs and preferences including:

  • Personal care tasks: Our support workers provide expert guidance and assistance in carrying out personal care tasks, promoting self-efficiency in essential daily routines
  • Daily living tasks: Our support workers can assist you to master the skills necessary to independently manage your day-to-day activities
  • Personal security: Pathfinders takes your safety seriously. Our SIL program includes provisions for personal security measures, ensuring a secure and comfortable living environment at all times
  • Actioning behaviour support plans: Pathfinders support workers are dedicated to creating a supportive and structured environment, ensuring that any behaviour support plans are effectively implemented to promote positive outcomes and individual growth
  • Community Access: We recognise the importance of community engagement and we provide assistance for participants to access and participate in community activities, fostering a sense of social belonging and inclusion.

Pathfinders are committed to making a significant difference in your lives by tailoring support to meet your specific needs, allowing you to not only reside in your home but also thrive in an environment that encourages personal development and independence.

Short Term Accommodation (STA)

Short Term Accommodation (STA), including respite, provides funding for support and accommodation during a short break away from your usual home. It covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. STA offers a home away from home where you might have a short stay with other people or by yourself. It gives you the chance to try new things, explore a new environment, and allows your family and carers to temporarily step away from their caregiving requirements.

Designed to offer support during brief intervals when you may need to live away from your home environment, Pathfinders’ STA aims to:

  • Create a conducive and nurturing environment
  • Encourage personal growth, development, and self-confidence
  • Provide a temporary change of scenery
  • Offer the chance to engage in a variety of experiences to broaden horizons and inspire a sense of exploration
  • Acknowledge the vital role caregivers play in your life, allowing them to recharge and return to their roles with renewed energy and dedication.

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

Specialised disability accommodation

Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) is available for those in need of a place to live while awaiting another housing solution. MTA generally serves as a one-off support for stays lasting from 3 to 6 months. You may require MTA if you are:

  • Waiting for home modifications
  • Waiting for a home and living assessment
  • Waiting for an SDA to be available or a new SDA to be completed
  • Unable to live in your current home

Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that is designed to cater specifically to the needs of people with significant disabilities. This accommodation is built or modified to include features, technologies, and supports that enable individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible while ensuring their safety, comfort, and access to necessary services.

Pathfinders are NDIS registered providers of SDA and are actively investigating SDA possibilities within the Mid North Coast (MNC) and New England North West regions.  If you have an interest in exploring this further, kindly fill out our Expression of Interest (EOI), and we will gladly engage in discussion with you to understand your requirements and identify suitable options. 

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