clothesline project

The Clothesline Project

Support for victims of violence

The Clothesline Project was founded by Rachel Carey-Harper and a group of women in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Events are now hosted around the world to raise awareness of issues relating to violence and bring communities together to support victims. The goal of the project is to motivate people to act against violence in their communities and be mindful that it happens all around us in many forms.

The events are an opportunity for people to express their emotions by decorating a t-shirt. This is intended to aid in the healing process for those directly affected by violence, and it is encouraged for other participants to decorate a t-shirt with messages of hope aimed at those currently experiencing violence.

The shirts typically exhibit a wide range of abuse (a colour code is used to identify the different forms of abuse) and each individual shirt has a one-of-a-kind significance. After the shirts have been decorated, they are hung on a clothesline display in a public space. This public Clothesline Project display is to promote awareness and document the violence occurring in the community.

Each event also provides information on identifying and avoiding violence, suggestions on how to comfort a victim and contact details for support services.

Program Contacts

Specialist Homelessness Support

3 Glen Innes Road,
Inverell 2360

Mon – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

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