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Homeless support services

Homelessness Support Services

Armidale Youth Refuge is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to assist young people aged 16-24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Staff can assist young people who require crisis accommodation.

Armidale Youth Refuge
homeless services

These services assist young people, women, men and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The target group includes women and children affected by domestic and family violence, young parents, young people under the age of 16 years and young people leaving care or other institutions. 

The Inverell Women’s and Children’s refuge supports women, children and young women over 16 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those affected by domestic and family violence.

Support is provided in the Inverell and Glen Innes Local Government areas, with regular servicing of outlying communities including Tenterfield, Deepwater, Emmaville, Drake, Red Range, Wallangarra, Ashford and Gilgai in the response to need.

Women and children refuge
homelessness support

Pathfinders is a Tier 3 Registered Community Housing Provider. We have made the strategic and financial decision to invest heavily in the expansion of its supported housing capacity. The homelessness crisis continues to worsen, and Pathfinders is uniquely placed assist in the provision of holistic homelessness services in the areas we work.

Pathfinders has achieved Certificate Level accreditation under the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES), administered by the South Australian Department of Human Services (DHS SA) and recognised nationally.

The Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) is built on the internationally recognised Service Excellence Standards.