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The Royal Glen Innes

Housing vulnerable young people and families

The Royal Hotel was established in Glen Innes in 1860 and is considered to be the oldest Victorian-era hotel in the town. It was built with accommodation for guests, including 20 bedrooms and four bathrooms.

Pathfinders are committed to supporting the development of solutions that support vulnerable young people and families to achieve social and economic independence by providing education, training, and housing support.

There are a number of reasons why young people and families need emergency accommodation. Young people can often find themselves in situations that didn’t plan to be in due to unstable home lives, family and relationship breakdowns, evictions, risk of or exposure to crime and illicit substances and financial issues.

Everyone needs a place to call home, but young people and families in regional communities can often face a number of challenges when trying to access suitable accommodation.

Pathfinders purchased Royal Hotel with the aim of providing emergency accommodation and a range of support and education services for vulnerable young people to engage in real day-to-day activities including education and training, employment, volunteering, mentoring, and recreation.

Our vision for Royal Hotel

At the completion of all works within the hotel, Pathfinders will assess and prioritises the redevelopment of the property focusing on the needs of vulnerable youth and those who are homeless and who are at risk of homelessness in the New England region.

Pathfinders’ proposal is to renovate and upgrade the hotel into a youth foyer. Youth foyers help young people develop the skills they need to live independently and build their futures.

The proposed foyer could accommodate up to 15 young people aged between 16 and 25. Applicants would need to be in employment, education or training to be eligible to reside at the property.
By providing vulnerable youths with professional support and a safe place to live, they can focus on gaining the essential, practical life skills needed to transition into adult life.

Royal Hotel Glen Innes

Renovation updates

Several renovations to the heritage-listed property have been completed, with the installation of new floors and equipment, waterproofing and upgrades to the fire management system.

New office spaces and an upgraded commercial kitchen have been installed in the bottom storey of the building, adjacent to the shared dining area; and recent works were completed in a self-contained unit, allowing it to be utilised for emergency and temporary accommodation.
Further renovations to the building will continue.

Program Contacts

The Royal – Glen Innes

371 Grey Street,
Glen Innes 2370

Mon – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Phone: (02) 6720 8888