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Pathfinders is built on recognising the uniqueness of the culture and country in which we work. We strive to: Support and resource a workforce who empower people to live with hope and equal opportunity and meet the diverse needs of our programs and strive to surpass expectations.

We take pride as a culturally diverse Organisation to:

  • Create a workforce broadly reflective of larger communities that we serve.
  • Support employees in building the skills and capacity to work in an inclusive manner with one another and with the communities we serve.
  • Build a welcoming workplace in which employees recognize that their unique characteristics, skills and experiences are respected, valued and celebrated.

To achieve this, we need great people to join our organisation. People who have vision and commitment to support our community to live their life, their way.

Pathfinders is able to pass on to their employees a proportion of their wages as a reimbursement of personal expenses and no income tax is payable on this money via Salary Sacrifice in effect a proportion of your salary each pay is tax free.

At Pathfinders we acknowledge the need to balance your work and personal life, To support this we have developed and value a work place culture that encourages self-care and a healthy and sustainable staff team.