Pathfinders’ Out of Home Care Program provides a safe and nurturing environment for young people and who are in need of alternative accommodation due to being unable to live with their parents or foster carers.
We are currently looking for Part Time ICM Youth Workers to assist in the Interim Care Model (ICM) of the young people in Port Macquarie
You will be required to work shift work including sleepovers and hours will be on an “as needed” basis. This role will be required to work within all Residential/SIL/STEP/ICM and IPA properties located within the Company.
The successful applicants will work with team members in developing and providing a safe, nurturing and home-like environment for Children and Young People in residence utilising the programs Circle of Courage and Sanctuary model philosophy.
Role of the Youth Worker:
The role of the Youth Worker will be to work with team members to deliver Out of Home Care (OOHC) services in either a home like setting and/or supported independent living (SIL) setting to Children and Young People in care.
The Youth Worker will require knowledge and understanding of the issues that affect Aboriginal communities, societies and cultures in NSW. Willing to advocate on behalf of Aboriginal young people and their families in providing cultural support and provide services to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children, young people and families.
The Youth Worker will also be required to build strong relationships with Aboriginal agencies to support and strengthen families and cultural connections.
The position attracts the pay Level 4.1 under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Modern Award (“the SCHDSI Award”).
All applications must include the following components:
- Cover Letter addressing the selection criteria as provided in the job package.
- An updated resume including details of at least two recent work-related referees
- Working with Children Check, Police History Check, First Aid/ CPR Certificate and current Driver’s Licence.
Applicants who do not provide all the above will not be considered for an interview.
Applications Close 5pm Monday 14th April 2025.
Applications can be lodged by email to and should be addressed to the Corporate Services Manager
Pathfinders is committed to be a safe environment for children and young people and is a Child Safe Organisation.
Pathfinders is a non-smoking workplace and is committed to the principles and practice of EEO and Cultural Diversity.
For further information, please contact Chrissie Clark– Corporate Services Officer via email on