Final harvest in preparation for this year’s Pumpkin Run

Pathfinders staff and young people engaged in Pathfinders services have harvested the last of the pumpkins grown a Tilbuster Station for this year’s Pumpkin Run.

This year’s Pumpkin Run will be held from 3 -6 July, leaving from Pathfinders working farm Tilbuster Station and finishing up at Government House.

CEO of Pathfinders, Alan Brennan said he was pleased to receive an invitation from Governor Margaret Beasley, inviting the Pumpkin Run back to Government House.

“The Pumpkin Run is a rewarding experience for our young people, they put in a lot of time preparing the soil, planting the seeds, maintaining the pumpkins, all while learning vital agricultural skills and gaining a sense of community in the process.” Said Mr Brennan

“There are a lot of factors that determine how many tons the team will grow each year, we are very pleased with the work that our staff and young people have put into growing pumpkins this year, having successfully harvested 15 tons of pumpkins.”

Mr Brennan said our young people and staff are looking forward to the opportunity, to give back to the community, by providing pumpkins to those in need and helping to serve meals in soup kitchens this July.

Anthony Simmons, Pathfinder Resources Coordinator said last year’s wet weather, with unprecedented rain and floods made growing pumpkins difficult, and that this year the weather has been a lot more favourable for growing pumpkins. “This year the team has had great success, with almost all of the pumpkins growing to full size, this is by far one of the team’s largest harvests.” Said Mr Simmons.

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