The White Ribbon Community Pilot Project (WRCPP) team hosted its annual Inverell White Ribbon March on Thursday 23rd November 2017 o show the town’s zero tolerance for domestic and family violence.
The event came one month after the Inverell WRCPP team set up a tent displaying White Ribbon posters and messages about stopping men’s violence against women at the Inverell Sapphire City Festival.
Pathfinders Specialist Homelessness Services staff Trish Thomas, Daisy Brown and Tim Chard provided an opportunity for people to have a conversation about the White Ribbon Oath and to understand what it means to stand up, speak out and act to stop men’s violence against women before it starts.
Six local men took the White Ribbon Oath online via an iPad provided by the Inverell Shire Council. Pathfinders Specialist Homelessness Services Manager, Trish Thomas, said the efforts of these men are to be commended, as it takes a proactive initiative to take time at a social event to take an oath for such an important cause.
White Ribbon tattoos and stickers were also handed out and could be seen being worn by festivalgoers throughout the day.
“Domestic and family violence is the key cause of women, children and young people becoming homeless. It’s a violation of human rights and should not be tolerated, and that’s a message that we need to continue to share year-round.”
Trish said it’s important to continue to educate the community, including young people, on domestic and family violence to prevent the cycle of violence from being passed down to the next generations.