Pathfinders Day 5: Pumpkin Run Sydney Donations

The team has arrived in Sydney, ready for a big week of donations. They have their work cut out for them as they plan to deliver fresh pumpkins to many local charities and organisations across the city.

One of their first stops was at Beehive Industries, a wonderful organisation on a mission to end loneliness for over 250 seniors, long-term unemployed individuals, and people living with disabilities. Each week, seniors gather at Beehive Industries to cook meals for those in need and participate in a range of meaningful activities while connecting and socialising with others.

Beehive Industries prepares meals each week that are donated to the community, including contributions to the Wayside Chapel, which provides around 80,000 meals per year to those in need. Our Pumpkin Run team left a generous supply of pumpkins with Beehive Industries to support their ongoing efforts.

The team then stopped in the heart of Kings Cross, where they visited the Wayside Chapel to drop off some more pumpkins. They met with CEO and Pastor Jon Owen and Alex Long to learn more about the incredible services that Wayside Chapel provides to the community.

The Wayside Chapel offers unconditional love, care, support, and essential services to people experiencing homelessness and social isolation in Sydney. They create a community where there is no ‘us and them,’ breaking down barriers of judgment and providing a safe place where people from all walks of life are welcome to just ‘be.’

We are incredibly proud to be able to support these wonderful organisations and their vital work in the community.

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