Pathfinders recent Cultural Well-Bring Day was held at Goonoowigal State Conservation Area, in Inverell. The day was facilitated by Winangali Infusion which deliver a unique and interactive style of ancient Edu cultural healing practices to educational departments, organisations, and communities.
The day started off with an official Welcome to Country from local Elder Uncle Ron Connors, followed by an introduction and smoking ceremony from Winangali Infusion team.
Shortly after, participants were split into two groups the Miyay’s (girls) attended the weaving session where they made traditional dance belts, and the Birray’s (boys) attended the session where they made traditional clap sticks and learned about rhythm within their own Gii (heart). These sessions ran for about two hours before breaking for lunch our participants use this time to catch up with relatives and old friends as well as mingling and making new friends.
Once lunch was finished, Buddy and the team from Winangali Infusion treated everyone to a traditional “Totem” dance where each individual would come one at a time and mimic the movements of their animal totem from their home country and tribe, once the dance was performed, the team explained the important role that Aboriginal totems play in the everyday lives of Aboriginal people and that it is our role to not only protect our animals but their environments/habitats as well.
Once the Totem dances had been performed, everyone was invited to learn the dance and perform it, it was great to see a number of our young Aboriginal participants more than happy and proud to participate in the dance activity.
A massive Gaba Nginda (thank you) to our staff and guests for coming along and supporting our Cultural Well-Being Day.